Code of Conduct

We strive to:

  • Support an open exchange of ideas within a safe and respectful environment, free from all forms of harassment, including those based on gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, health status, race, age, class, citizenship, veteran status, religion, or beliefs.
  • Offer a space of learning for our community by welcoming and respecting individuals from all professions and with all levels of education and experience.

Treat everyone with respect.

We ask that all community members adhere to the following expectations:

  • We have a zero-tolerance policy for all verbal, physical, and sexual harassment. Anyone who is asked to stop a hostile or harassing behavior is expected to do so immediately.
  • Participation in discussions and activities should be respectful at all times. Please refrain from making inappropriate comments. Create opportunities for all people to speak, exercising tolerance of the perspectives and opinions of others.
  • Please be mindful and considerate of those sharing the space with you. Please help us keep our spaces clean and orderly so that others can enjoy an unencumbered environment.

We work to ensure that our spaces are welcoming for all. Please let a staff member know if you experience or witness any harassing behavior. If you believe anyone is in physical danger, please notify a staff member.